Part P Electrical Safety
In 2005 the Government introduced electrical safety guidelines into the Building Regulations. Part P is the section that relates to electrical safety. Almost all electrical work carried out in a dwelling must now comply with Part P. It applies to:
- In a dwelling-house or flat, and to parts of the installation that are: (I) outside the dwelling – for example fixed lighting and air conditioning units attached to outside walls, photovoltaic panels on roofs, and fixed lighting and pond pumps in gardens (ii) in outbuildings such as sheds, detached garages and domestic greenhouses
- In common access areas of blocks of flats such as corridors or staircases in shared amenities of blocks of flats such as laundries, kitchens and gymnasiums
- In business premises (other than agricultural buildings) connected to the same meter as the electrical installation in a dwelling – for example shops and public houses below flats.
What work is notifiable?
Apart from some types of minor work, all electrical work now carried out in a dwelling must be reported to local Building Control. Notifiable work consists of:
- the installation of a new circuit
- the replacement of a fuse board/consumer unit
- any addition or alteration to existing circuits in a ‘special location’ (i.e. a room containing bath or shower)
Arc Electrical will notify local Building Control on your behalf for the following types of work:
- a full or partial rewire
- a replacement consumer unit/fuse board
- one or more new circuits
- all work done in a bathroom
- some work done in a kitchen i.e. a new cooker circuit or new kitchen ring/radial circuit
One of the following three procedures must be used to show that the work complies with the requirements set out in the building regulations:
- self certification by a registered competent person
- third party certification by a registered third party certifier
- certification by a building control body
As members of NICEIC we are able to certify our own work. This ensures that you will avoid any extra fees resulting from third party certification or certification by a Building Control body. An Electrical Installation Certificate will be issued for the following types of work:
- a full or partial rewire
- a replacement fuse board/consumer unit
- a new shower, or cooker circuit
- a new kitchen ring/radial circuit
- any other new circuit
- installing a supply to a garage or outbuilding
A Minor Works Certificate will be issued for the following types of work:
- an addition to an existing circuit.
- replacement of an RCD or other single protective device
- like-for-like replacement of an accessory, for example a socket outlet or a light fitting
- installation of or upgrade to main protective bonding conductors (earth) to water and gas services.
- any work in a kitchen or bathroom where no new circuit is required
- installing extra sockets or lighting points that do not require a new circuit
Other parts of the building regulations
When carrying out any electrical work in a dwelling, whether a new build or older property, Arc Electrical are also obliged to adhere to other parts of the building regulations which affect domestic electrical installations. This includes:
Part A – Structure
- depth of chases in walls
- position of holes and notches in joists
Part B – Fire safety
- installation of mains wired and interlinked smoke alarms with a back up battery, with at least one per story located no more than 7.5m from any habitable room. These are included as standard in all full house rewires.
- fire rated light fittings installed where necessary (this particularly applies to down lights where they are likely to come into contact with insulation)
Part C – Site preparation and resistance to moisture
- installation of appropriately IP rated equipment where necessary, for example: bathroom lighting and outside lights/sockets
Part F – Ventilation
- extractor fans for bathrooms and kitchens
Part L – Energy Efficiency
- installation of energy efficient or LED lighting
Part M – Accessibility
- heights of accessories for easier access: between 450mm minimum 1200mm maximum (this is mandatory for new builds and good practice when rewiring existing properties)